As a naturally self-directed learner, Luke felt his time was constricted in school with assignments and deadlines. At PLC, Luke is finally getting enough sleep and still spending plenty of time pursuing his interests and writing a self-assigned 30 page paper.
Gavin didn’t find the challenges in school that he longed to have with his learning. At PLC, he discovered the motivation to learn information that went far below the surface.
Jacob was fine in school, but wanted more. He lives for music – playing, writing, listening. Jacob used the freedom at PLC to learn a handful of instruments, join a band and record an EP.
Sam found it hard to concentrate in school because his interests weren’t represented. At PLC, he pursued his love of music production through his own deejaying business, as well as exploring his interests in business and horticulture.
In school Nathaniel felt constant pressure to perform, to be perfect. At PLC, he pursued his passions out of authentic desire and curiosity.
Sara found it difficult to make it through a full school day. At PLC, she was a cheerful, enthusiastic leader of the community.
At PLC, Konstantin had the freedom and flexibility to develop his strengths in filmmaking instead of spending all his time and energy on his weaknesses.
In school, Isabella was frustrated she couldn’t study math at a higher level. PLC gave her time and freedom to pursue math and other passions.
KC felt silenced and stifled in school. At PLC she laughed again and led us in ways big and small.
In school, Ashlin felt disconnected from her peers. Her confidence returned at PLC where she found a welcoming community and work she cared about.
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