A lot happens during a day at PLC
PLC classes and one-on-one tutorials are offered on a variety of topics: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday between 9 and 3. PLC is closed on Wednesday. The schedule is a reflection of the interests of current teen members and the interests and expertise of our staff, volunteers, interns, and work-study university students. In addition, we support teen members to lead classes for their peers. Rather than attempt to fulfill any particular curriculum, we ask our teachers to share the topics that excite them.
Everything we do at PLC, including our classes and one-on-one tutorials are optional and open to every member; most are scheduled for one hour per week, with the option to meet more often if needed or desired.

A Selection of Classes at PLC
At PLC we work with each teen member as an individual, building on strengths to create a meaningful and positive experience while also preparing for each person’s next steps. Teen members work closely with their mentors to determine their own ideal schedule, creating a combination of group classes and one-on-one tutoring sessions.
Many PLC members work with tutors individually to study a topic. Members who wish to study math and writing often do so with a tutor, who can tailor the study to that particular person’s needs.
The format of individual classes can vary significantly, depending on the vision of the leader as well as the input of the participants. Some classes will ask for and expect a considerable amount of work to happen outside of class time while others will be more limited. This is made clear in the class description and by the teacher and should be taken into consideration by the student deciding to join the group.
We encourage all PLC members to learn about and try as many classes as they can. Once a member decides to be a regular participant of a class, we expect commitment. There are no grades or punishments, but we expect class participants to communicate with the teacher regarding attendance and other issues and to fulfill any requirements such as readings, research, or other assignments.
Members may choose to participate in an early college program with their local community college or take on an internship, volunteer work, or paid work as part of their learning experience.
Want a More Flexible Approach?
Be in touch with Joel to discuss options:

Watercolor apples painted in Art class.

Hunting salamander larva in Nature class.